advisory and consulting services
For Leaders and Senior Executives in city, local and regional government
vision, leadership, insights and solutions
Mylocaleconomy is a UK-based consultancy firm which is run by Glenn Athey, a leading economic development and regeneration professional and senior executive with a 30-year track record of successful leadership, delivery, networks, and practical knowledge acquired working in senior roles in government agencies, partnership organisations and UK think tanks.
Advice and guidance to leaders and professionals based on experience and knowledge of current policy and practice.
Local and regional strategies
Full wraparound services from strategy concept, to full economic review and research, business surveys, consultations, ideas facilitation, stakeholder and advisory board management, final authoring and presentation materials… and delivery and action planning.
Policy and investment development and advocacy
We are experts and crafting compelling policy propositions and investment cases, using evidence, robust analysis and high impact language and writing.
Skills, labour markets and inclusion
We are seasoned professionals at labour market economics, policy and practice, conducting many applied studies and developing bespoke labour market and skills strategies for clients.
Economic performance, assessment, dashboards and systems
We are amongst the best UK consultants working in this field and bring a vast amount of experience and a track record of work and publications to justify our enviable position as providers of quality, robust and insightful economic analysis that explains what it means for your city, local and regional economy.
Enterprise, investment and place promotion
We have conducted dozens of full scale regional enterprise support reviews, and have also evaluated focused enterprise support functions and programmes. We excel at analysing the complexities of local needs, current provision, policies and resources – and synthesizing new best practice solutions.
Local and regional economic strategies
Full wraparound services from strategy concept, to full economic review and research, business surveys, consultations, ideas facilitiation, stakeholder and advisory board management, final authoring and presentation materials… and delivery and action planning.
Recent projects
- Economic Growth Strategy for Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2021)
- Options development and testing for future vision and corporate strategy for Ashford, Kent (Consultant) (2020)
- Options development and testing for future vision and corporate strategy for Canterbury, Kent (Consultant) (2020)
- Gloucester Economic Strategy (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2016)
- London Stansted Cambridge Corridor Economic Strategy and Growth Commission (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2016)
- Cheltenham Economic Strategy (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2016)
Policy and investment development and advocacy
We are experts and crafting compelling policy propositions and investment cases, using evidence, robust analysis and high impact language and writing. Our policy influence is tangible and can be appreciated via the following projects.
Recent projects
- A vision for urban growth and recovery: impact of Covid-19 and Brexit on urban areas, and a vision for future policy for the Local Government Association (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2021)
- Supporting councils to attract foreign capital investment into local infrastructure (Consultant with Value Adage Ltd) (2019)
- Devolution in England: understanding Scotland’s place competitiveness (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2018)
- Global Britain: a fair and managed immigration system fit for the post-Brexit economy (Lead researcher) (2018)
- Growing Together, an agenda for regional cooperation on devolution (Lead consultant, research, workshop facilitation, report writer) (2018
- Economic Growth Strategy for Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2021)
Skills, labour markets and inclusion
Full wraparound services from strategy concept, to full economic review and research, business surveys, consultations, ideas facilitiation, stakeholder and advisory board management, final authoring and presentation materials… and delivery and action planning.
Recent projects
- Economic Growth Strategy for Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2021)
- Options development and testing for future vision and corporate strategy for Ashford, Kent (Consultant) (2020)
- Options development and testing for future vision and corporate strategy for Canterbury, Kent (Consultant) (2020)
- Gloucester Economic Strategy (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2016)
- London Stansted Cambridge Corridor Economic Strategy and Growth Commission (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2016)
- Cheltenham Economic Strategy (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2016)
Economic performance, assessment, dashboards and systems
We are amongst the best UK consultants working in this field and bring a vast amount of experience and a track record of work and publications to justify our enviable position as providers of quality, robust and insightful economic analysis that explains what it means for your city, local and regional economy.
Recent projects
- Hertfordshire LEP – advice on new economic strategy structure and setting up a monitoring dashboard (2022)
- Economic Markets Foresight project, profiling 28 emergent markets for North East LEP (2021)
- Hertfordshire LEP: Hertfordshire Economic Outlook 2018 (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2018)
- Hertfordshire LEP: Hertfordshire Economic Outlook 2016 (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2016)
- Stockton-on-Tees Economic Assessment, (Project Director, Lead Consultant) (2016)
- West of England LEP and Bristol Economic Assessments (Project Director and lead) (2016)
- Making the economic case for the West Anglia Mainline / Crossrail 2 – for the London Stansted Cambridge Corridor (Consultant) (2016)
- Economic analysis and international benchmarking of the London-Stansted-Cambridge Corridor (2016)
- Economic analysis and international benchmarking of the East of England (2010)
- Economic analysis and benchmarking of innovation in the East of England economy (2010)
Enterprise, investment and place promotion
We have conducted dozens of full scale regional enterprise support reviews, and have also evaluated focused enterprise support functions and programmes. We excel at analysing the complexities of local needs, current provision, policies and resources – and synthesizing new best practice solutions.
Recent projects
- Review of the Growth Works Programme, and recommendations on the future provision of enterprise support, finance readiness and equity, and inward investment for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (2023)
- Evaluation of Kent Net Zero Pathway to Change programme for Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce (2023)
- FDI and UK investment proposition research and development for the London Borough of Tower Hamlets (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2022)
- Emergent Markets in the North East – a study of 28 emergent markets and how the North East’s activities, capabilities and strengths matched them (2021)
- Review of Hull and East Yorkshire (HEY) Growth Hub (2021)
- Evaluation of South East Growth Hub (2019)
- Enterprise support strategy for Wales (Expert advisor) (2018)
- SME and sector growth in Stockton-on-Tees (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2017)
- West of England Sector and Business Growth Study, (Principal Consultant) (2017)
Climate change and low carbon economies
We wrote the best regional low carbon economic strategy in the UK for the North East of England and have an incredible track record in this field.
Recent projects
- Green Economy and Jobs Strategy and Action Plan for North of Tyne Combined Authority (2023)
- Retrofit-Accelerator Homes project evaluation and provision of future strategic guidance on retrofit and energy efficiency in housing, for Greater London Authority (Consultant) (2022)
- Development of materials testing and R&D feasibility for fusion energy for the UK Atomic Energy Authority (Project Director and Principal Consultant) (2022)
- Advice on economic case and benefits of a Midlands alternative fuel vehicle supply chain Strength in Places bid (to UKRI), for the University of Nottingham (Project Director & Lead Consultant) (2020)
- RE:FIT London Evaluation and continuation funding application (Consultant) (2019)
- Business Energy Efficiency in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ERDF project evaluation (Consultant) (2019)
Appraisals, evaluations and funding applications (including green book)
We have conducted dozens of evaluations, appraisals and performance reviews – our track records speaks for itself.
Recent projects
- Evaluation of Hertfordshire Science Partnership, ERDF project at University of Hertfordshire (2022)
- Evaluation of London MedCity’s Collaborate to Innovate Programme (2019)
- Strategic case and economic appraisal for Leicester City Investment Zone Expression of Interest (2022)
- Evaluation and review of the London RA-H housing retrofit ERDF funded programme (Consultant) (2022)
- Staveley Towns Fund Programme economic impact appraisal (Consultant)
- Leicester Pioneer Park Levelling Up Fund Bid – provided economic advice, economic case, economic impact appraisal for Leicester City Council, successfully awarded £28m (Principal Consultant) (2021)
- University of Peterborough economic case, appraisal and benefit-cost ratios, for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (2020 and 2022)
- Harlow Towns Fund bid, successfully accessed £23.6m (Principal Consultant) (2020)
- Harlow Future High Streets Fund bid green book and MHCLG appraisal; lead author of initial business case; conducted economic impact appraisal and fulfilled MHCLG impact estimate requirements (Consultant) (2020)
- TRANSMID Strength in Places Fund Bid for University of Nottingham (Principal Consultant)
- REPAY Strength in Places Fund bid for University of Essex (Principal Consultant) (2019)
- RE:FIT London Evaluation and continuation funding application (Consultant) (2019)
- University of Cambridge Bradfield Centre ERDF economic case and appraisal (Consultant) (2019)
- University of Hertfordshire KCIS ERDF bid economic case and appraisal (Consultant) (2018)
- Rothamsted Research ERDF bid economic case and appraisal (Consultant) (2018)
- University of Hertfordshire HEIF bid economic case and appraisal (Consultant) (2017)
- Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough LEP business rates income modelling for Alconbury Enterprise Zone (2013)